Game Rules

The Game Rules of Dune: Imperium describe the principles and systems which govern gameplay.

I. Overview

Dune: Imperium simulates the Dune Universe through a fully automated strategic role-playing game. A player controls one of a number of factions. The player manipulates his faction's government, resources, characters, agents, and armies as well as the game's interweaving political, economic, military, and social variables. The role of the player is to govern his faction. This faction may be a powerful Great House, such as House Corrino, a minor house, such as House Costino, the Spacing Guild, or one of the few social factions, such as the Bene Gesserit. The player determines decisions regarding the faction's government, resources, characters, agents, and armies within the context of the political, military, economic, and social variables of the Dune Universe. The player also determines house-to-house relations with other players such as managing trade and economic rights, building royal links through character marriages and other relationships, fight wars and settle peace, and otherwise conduct his faction in a way consistent with that of countries.

II. Characters and Agents

1. Basics

Characters and agents represent the faction abroad and conduct a variety functions in its service. Every character and agent has three variables: Leadership, Loyalty, and Prestige. These three attributes affect the performance of their duties. Some agents are also able to perform their activities covertly, allowing them to avoid detection in order to gather information, create moles, or otherwise perform some task that should not be known publicly.


Leadership is a character/agent's ability to perform or mobilize others to perform a task. The events which affect leadership ratings are:

  • Successful completion of mission (+)
  • Training (+)
  • Injury (-)


Loyalty is a character/agent's faithfulness to a faction. The events which affect loyalty ratings are:


Prestige is a character/agent's perceived social standing acquired by good deeds or rank. The events which affect prestige ratings are:

  • Successful completion of mission (+)
  • Failed mission (-)
  • Killing a character (-)
  • Released from service (-)
  • Commission or warrant (+)
  • Revocation of commission or warrant (-)

2. Characters

Characters are royal or significant persons that do or can hold title, and represent the family or core interests of a faction. Without characters, the faction would not exist. Characters can:

  • Hold titles
  • wed characters of the opposite sex
  • Perform the missions of ambassadors and emissaries
  • Command military formations

Characters can hold any one or combination of three title types: noble titles, commissions, and warrants. Titles confer special advantages, which are explained in detail in the title section. Characters can also enter marriages with a character from another faction. This takes place by a royal marriage agreed upon by the participating factions.

3. Agents

Agents perform specific tasks, or skills, in the service of a faction. There are three kinds of agents: Mission, Modifier, and Enabler. Some agents can perform their duties covertly, called "cover".

a. Mission Agents

Mission agents perform specific duties called "missions".

n. Modifier Agents

Modifier Agents positively influence the variables of a particular fiefdom, or the agents and objects within it. The effects of modifying agents are permanently active.

c. Enabler Agents

Enabler Agents allow the player to perform a particular function.

4. Titles

III. Regions

1. Terrain

2. Fiefdoms

3. Siridar Fiefdoms

4. Free Cities

5. Grants

6. Trusts

IV. Faction Politics

1. Positions

a. Lord

b. Heir

c. Chancellor

d. Marshal

2. State Policy

The state policy reflects a broad set of options which prohibit, modify, or enable a variety of system-based effects.

V. Economics

1. Terrain

2. Resources and Goods

a. Natural Resources

b. Goods

3. Budget

a. Taxes

b. Tariffs

4. Corporations

5. Licenses

VI. Foreign Politics

1. Treaties

a. Royal Marriage

b. Trade Rights

c. Economic Rights

d. Transit Rights

e. Basing Rights

f. Kanly

2. The Landsraad

a. High Council

b. Lower Councils

3. The Judge of the Change

4. Diplomatic Protocol

In international politics, protocol is the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of state.


1. Directorships

2. Contracts

VIII. Military Production, Movement, and Battle

1. Ratings

2. Doctrines

3. Formations

4. Production

5. Movement

6. Battle Resolution Calculator

IX. Research

1. Technologies

X. Facilities

1. Political Facilities

2. Economic Facilities

3. Military Facilities

4. Fremen Facilities

5. Special Facilities

XI. The Spacing Guild

The Spacing Guild is a unique faction which exercises a monopoly on interstellar transportation and finance.

XII. The Imperial Faction

1. Golden Lion Throne

2. Imperial Titles and Commissions

XIII. The Fremen

The Fremen are a people who live on the desert planet Arakkis.

XIV. Religion

1. Zensunni

2. Zenshiite

3. Orange Catholicism

4. Judaism

XV. Game Systems

1. Forums

2. Chat Rooms

3. Private Messages

4. News Feed

5. Administration Control

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