Mission Agents perform specific tasks, called "missions", in the service of a faction.
I. Mission Agents
Mission agents perform tasks which are mostly oriented towards clandestine activities, such as espionage, counter-intelligence, and direct action. In the complexity of the Dune Universe, the skills of mission agents are essential; whether the player has offensive aims or only peaceful intentions, mission agents will certainly be on the front-lines to determine the best course of action.
II. Recruitment and Training
III. Performing Missions
IV. Agent Types
The mission agents are:
i. Swordmaster
The swordmaster is a powerful mission agent which a variety of skills.
- Rendition
- Counter-intelligence
- Training
- Command formations
- Only one may be in service at any one time
ii. Suicide Bomber
The suicide bomber is a "fire-and-forget" agent which can kill characters or destroy facilities. The agent dies during the performance of his duties.
iii. Terrorist Cell
The terrorist cell is a low-cost offensive agent.
- Assassination
- Sabotage
- Permanent Cover
- False Flag
iv. Hunter-Seeker
The hunter-seeker is an aggressive and expensive offensive agent.
- Assassination
- Targeted Killing
- Permanent Cover
- False Flag
v. Face-Dancer
The Face-Dancer is an all-purpose covert agent. The agent assumes role of any other agent, but performs duties at extremely reduced effectiveness
vi. Truthsayer
The Truthsayer is a powerful defensive agent.
- Counter-intelligence
- Propaganda
vii. Informant
The informant is a constant source of information. While the agent may be recruited anywhere by a field agent, he cannot leave the fiefdom in which he was recruited.
- Espionage
- Counter-intelligence
- Permanent Cover
viii. Field Agent
The field agent is an all-purpose offensive agent.
- Assassination
- Targeted Killing
- Rendition
- Espionage
- Sabotage
- Theft
- Propaganda
- Defection
- Recruitment
- Permanent Cover
- False Flag
ix. Ghola
The ghola is an expensive all-purpose agent. The agent is able to assume the identity of any other agent, but performs the actions at marginally reduced effectiveness.
x. Intelligence Officer
The intelligence officer is an all-purpose defensive agent.
- Rendition
- Counter-intelligence
- Disinformation
- Propaganda
- Recruitment
- Official Cover
xi. Inquisitor
The Inquisitor is a unit with exclusively religious missions.